Tuesday, December 2, 2008


More to come from Chicago.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

American Fork Canyon

American Fork Creek

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Black and White

Last October Beth and I went to Yosemite and visited the Ansel Adams gallery while we were there. Adams was a pioneer in nature photography and shot most of his nature work in black and white despite color film having been around for years. The gallery had several of Adams' original prints hanging on the wall, all perfectly composed and tack sharp. It was pretty inspiring to see his work. Since then I have been taking more black and white photos and have even converted a few color images into black and white. My shots don't quite measure up to his, but I have enjoyed taking them. Shooting BW is a whole different ballgame. Lighting is still incredibly important, but since there is no color you can get away from shooting a little later in the morning or earlier in the afternoon. The lack of color also allows you to bring out textures much better. Many of Adams' photos use interesting textures. Exploring BW has been a lot of fun. My shots are below and you can check out Adams' work at www.anseladams.com.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Southwest Tour

Below are photos from a recent tour of the southwest. There may be more to follow in the next few weeks.

Sunset from Mather Point, Grand Canyon National Park

Sunrise from Grandview Point, Grand Canyon National Park

The Watchman and the Virgin River, Zion National Park

Cascades at the Temple of Sinawava, Zion National Park

Water Streaks, Grand Wash, Capitol Reef National Park

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ranch Photos

These three are from my last trip to our cabin in the Uinta Mountains of eastern Utah. I only had time to shoot in the morning and the lighting wasn't great, but I was able to get these photos of purple asters. Hopefully Indiana springs and summers have lots of wildflowers.

Goodbye Utah!

Desert Paintbrush below the Devil's Castle, Albion Basin

This past week my family and I relocated to Indiana for graduate school. I am really going to miss the scenery in Utah and the west. I hope to be back within a few years, but who knows? I hope to take as many pictures of Indiana as possible and will post them here when I do. I also have lots of Utah photos left to process and post. We'll see how things go.